Success Stories

The Dawson Story...
"E028 Splash improved the health and behavioral and cognitive skills of my son Mac,” says Amy, the mother of an autistic three-year-old who suffered from gastrointestinal issues. Once he was no longer suffering from the painful symptoms of his GI issues and began receiving the nutrition he needed, he improved developmentally and became a more involved member of his family." More...

The Nelson Story...
“Some days E028 Splash is all she will take,” says Jeannie. “She has no desire to eat, but she will go to the fridge and take out her cup with her E028. That is her preference over anything else she could choose.”More...

Solvej's Story...
“We saw immediate results with E028 Splash,” says Jenny. “Within two days of starting the medical food, Solvej was a happier kid. By the end of the first week she began walking.”

After beginning E028 Splash, Solvej quickly caught up with other children her age. She began walking and her language skills dramatically improved. Within six months, she went from not talking at all to speaking in full sentences.” More...

Chloe's Story...
“Once Chloe began taking E028 Splash she started acting more alert, spoke more and in general was a happier child,” said Shelley. “In addition, she made significant improvements in her ABA therapy because she was able to focus and was finally sleeping through the night! More...

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